New Bewerley Community School


Our curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014) and the Early Years Curriculum, we enhance this with planned opportunities that make up the wider school curriculum.


At New Bewerley Community School, we have created our very our cultural capital passport called the NB60! As the children travel through school, they will embark on their learning journey, which will be filled with various experiences from cooking a meal to visiting the beach! By completing these experiences, we guarantee that our children will be prepared for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education.

Click to see our NB60


We aim to make learning exciting and meaningful. Where commonality exists between subjects and aspects, learning is linked and lessons are taught using a crosscurricular approach. Where this is not achievable subjects are taught discreetly.

Key Stage One pupils learn to read, spell and write using the systematic synthetic phonics scheme Floppy's Phonics.

Essential Learning Skills

We believe in the importance of essential learning skills which are:

  • Communication skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Computing skills
  • Working together skills
  • The skill of being able to improve your own learning
  • The skill of thinking

We recognise that these skills are best learnt in an environment that is interesting, varied and creative. We follow the National Curriculum 2014 for England and Wales and the Early Years Curriculum, which sets out what teachers should teach. In addition, whole school themed weeks are planned for throughout the year. These provide further in-depth coverage of other subjects.

We acknowledge that the arts can have a powerful effect on raising attainment in the core subjects, so each year group has opportunity to work with visiting specialists and organisations such as The Primary Players at West Yorkshire Playhouse, on exciting and sustained projects.

We strive for rigour, excellence, equal opportunities and aim to promote British Values, including universal moral values in every aspect of the curriculum as well as developing the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding of our pupils. We are sensitive to the needs of all our children and carefully plan special educational provision to meet individual and group needs.

Children are generally taught in mixed ability classes but may be grouped according to their ability for different lessons such as reading and maths. Teachers plan to ensure that the most able children are stretched and challenged and children with special educational needs receive the extra help they need.

The curriculum at NBCS aims to:

  • Inspire children to develop a love of learning
  • Develop children to become reflective learners who have a sense of responsibility for their own learning and development
  • Build confidence and motivation within our children
  • Develop children who understand the importance of perseverance, resilience and tolerance
  • Encourage children to value others, their views, cultures and beliefs.
  • Encourage children to make a positive contribution to the school, local and wider community

Our curriculum engages the children and high expectations are demanded across the curriculum in all subjects.

For more detailed coverage of what each year group teaches please visit the class pages. If you wish to know more about a subject please visit the curriculum pages in this section. 

For more information about how the school is complying with the Equality Act 2010 please visit the Humanities, MFL and Equality Page.

For more information about how the school is complying with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations2014 please visit the SEND provision page
New Bewerley Implement StatementNew Bewerley Impact Statement