Family Support
At New Bewerley Community School we aim to provide support for all of our families. We recognise that families sometimes need additional information due to difficulties they may be facing.
Mrs Shea is our Family Support Worker and Mrs Barnes leads our Inclusion Team. If you would like to speak further please contact the school to make an appointment.
The information below provides links to outside agencies that you can contact direct.
During the summer holidays Leeds School Uniform Exchange will be taking place. Visit their Website or Facebook page for further details on high-quality uniforms!
Follow the links for activities in the area
Hunslet Club Activity Camps Breeze in the Park Active Leeds FoodCycle Leeds Beeston & Holbeck Museums & Galleries Leeds Children's Charity - Best Free Family Days Out
Housing support
The following agencies can help with housing issues including banding, rent and assigning caseworkers.
Leeds housing options 0113 222 4412
Dewsbury Road Community Hub also have advisors relating to housing Dewsbury Road Community Hub
Dewsbury Road Community Hub
190 Dewsbury Road
LS11 6PF
Leeds Domestic Violence Service
The Leeds Domestic Violence Service supports anyone in Leeds who is affected by domestic violence and abuse.
The 24 hour Leeds Domestic Violence Service helpline: 0113 246 0401
Click on the image below to take you to their website.
Food Bank Vouchers
Please ask for Mrs Barnes, Miss Seavers and Mrs Shea in school to help with vouchers. These are available for anyone who is struggling to feed their family due to debt, low income, benefit issues etc.
Please make an appointment at the school office with one of the members of staff above and we will meet to discuss your needs. This is available to anyone in school.
Hamara Centre
The Hamara Centre provides food for the community – contact them and they will advise on when you are able to collect food from them.
Tempest Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 6RD
Step Change
Step Change provide expert debt advice and financial guidance for anyone struggling with debt issues. They will give unlimited support whilst you are struggling financially.
- 0800 138 1111
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 4pm
Legal Advice
Civil Legal Advice – 0345 345 43 35 - Open Mon – Fri 9am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 12:30pm Free legal advice for low-income individuals.
Rights of Women - 020 7251 6577 (Family Law Advice Line) Open Tuesday 7pm – 9pm, Wednesday 7pm – 9pm, Thursday 7pm – 9pm, Friday 12pm – 2pm. Closed Bank Holidays.
Citizens Advice Bureaux - Advice line England – 0800 144 8848 (Advice by phone available in some areas) Free legal advice .
Support Through Court - 0300 081 0006 a charity dedicated to providing free, independent assistance to people facing proceedings without legal representation.
RCJ Advice - 0203 475 4373 (Civil Cases already in court) 0203 745 8921 (For family cases e.g divorce, children or finance) We deliver free legal advice to people who cannot afford a solicitor and need assistance with preparing, or dealing with a court case. It will be useful to read our family triage form before you ring and you can also complete this form and email to - Open 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-4:30pm Monday - Friday. Run by Citizens Advice Bureau.
LawWorks – Free clinics nationwide – click in the “individuals” tab
Law Centres Federation - There are 55 Law Centres nationwide, staffed by solicitors & barristers who specialise in areas of civil law including housing and welfare benefits. Law Centre nearest to Leeds are Batley & Bradford.
Forward Leeds
Forward Leeds can help with issues relating to drug and alcohol addiction. This is for addicts and members of their family who are affected by such issues.
St Anne’s Community Services
0113 2435151
Operate a leading Residential Alcohol Rehab and Detox Service, Harm Reduction Crisis Service.
St Anne's Care Services - Substance Misuse and Harm Reduction
Leeds Baby Bank
We are now in partnership with Leeds Baby Bank
The Baby Bank supports families who are in need by providing baby essentials. From nappies and formula to stair gates, buggies, clothing and toys. Leeds Baby Bank aims to provide all that is needed to support families in caring for children 0 - 5.
Speak to our Inclusion Team who can then make a referral.
Bed Referrals
If you are in need of a bed/mattress for your child/children please contact Mrs Barnes or Miss Seavers via the school office number (01138 878 718) and we can make a referral for a bed for you.
NHS Right to Choose
If you are a registered NHS patient in England and your GP refers you for specialist treatment, such as an ADHD or autism assessment, you have the legal right to choose an appropriate healthcare provider. More information on the link below.
For many parents and carers, finding time for yourself can be a challenge as you juggle family and relationships with your home and work life.
Anna Freud National Centre for Families and Children
West Yorkshire Mental Health support line – 0800 183 0558
The 24/7 service provides free, confidential support, advice, information and guidance for anyone registered with a Leeds GP who is concerned about their own or a family member’s mental health.